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Azrieli Night of Networking

On Monday, Feb. 28, 2022, educational institutions from across the globe connected with each other and with those interested in careers in the field of Jewish education for a night of networking, sponsored by the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS), Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies and Graduate Program in Advanced Talmudic Studies for Women (GPATS). Dr. Rona Novick, dean of Azrieli, opened with “The Power of Educators,” sharing the import of Jewish education with those considering such careers, seasoned educators, and anyone interested in hearing about the latest developments in the field.  
Some of the schools attending the Night of Networking
  Attendees came to hear how schools, organizations, and educational leaders are meeting the challenges facing today’s educators, to listen to bold and daring innovations that will greatly impact day school learning and advance the entire field of Jewish education in a meaningful way. Dr. Novick reflected that “there is so much happening in the field of Jewish Education, and it was wonderful to create a place for innovation and ideas to be shared, and for collaborations and professional relationships to be developed.” The night of networking is not a typical career fair,  replacing interviews with an opportunity to share information and get to know the educational institutions that may be hiring. Graduate professors from Revel, Azrieli, GPATS, and RIETS shared insights, and organizations enlightened attendees about the field of experiential education. Rabbis were provided a window into Memphis, educators peered into Israel from New Jersey, South Florida presented techniques with South Africa, New York networked with California, and many Zoom rooms produced varied and fruitful discussions, and hopefully, created networking opportunities that will continue well beyond the evening.