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The Center for the Jewish Future Helps Dallas Celebrate Its New Jewish Education Campus

Nov 17, 2005 -- More than 700 people attended the grand opening celebration for the Schultz Rosenberg Campus on Tuesday, Nov. 8, in Dallas, Texas, including Rabbi Kenneth Brander, dean of Yeshiva University’s Center for the Jewish Future; Rabbi Richard C. Bieler, senior executive director for community affairs for Yeshiva University; Rabbi David Israel, director of the Association of Modern Orthodox Day Schools and Yeshiva High Schools; and Rabbi Ari Rockoff, director of community initiatives for the Center for the Jewish Future. The opening of the campus showcased the diversity and importance of education to the community, which includes the Akiba Academy primary school, the Yavneh Academy high school –– both members of the Association of Modern Orthodox Day Schools and Yeshiva High Schools (AMODS) –– and the adult lifelong learners of the Community Kollel. The campus is dedicated by families of Ann and Marcus (of blessed memory) Rosenberg, and Howard and Leslie Schultz. It was standing room only in the Pollman Dining Hall, with overflow seating, complete with a live video and audio feed, in the Campus' Beit Midrash. "We are taught that whoever teaches Torah, to the child of another, is considered as if he gave birth to him," Rabbi Brander said during the dedication. "Mazal Tov to the Schultz and Rosenberg families for the generations you have created. This Campus is a flagship for Jewish education and life." "From our first drive through Dallas we knew we would be here on a search for the Community's Jewish identity and that search took us right to Akiba Academy," said Howard Schultz. "The vision when we began this project, 30-something years later, had so many layers. So many dimensions; those of our families, Schultzes and Rosenbergs.”