Feb 28, 2011 By: yunews
In Search of Communal and Educational Careers, Hundreds Attend Yeshiva University Jewish Job Fair
Hundreds of job-seekers in search of potential careers in the Jewish communal and educational fields filled Furst Hall on Yeshiva University’s Washington Heights Wilf Campus on Thursday, February 24 for the annual Jewish Job Fair, co-sponsored by YU’s Institute for University-School Partnership and Center for the Jewish Future (CJF).
More than 35 day schools from across the country were represented at the fair to accept and review resumes and conduct interviews, including Maimonides Academy (Los Angeles, CA), Yeshiva Har Torah (Little Neck, NY), Greenfield Hebrew Academy (Atlanta, GA), Yeshiva of Flatbush (Brooklyn, NY) and Yavneh Academy (Paramus, NJ). Participating organizations included Aish NY, Camp HASC, Frumster, Gateways, iVolunteer, Nefesh B’ Nefesh, NCSY, OHEL, Orthodox Union and Yeshiva University.
“I walked away very impressed with the quality of candidates and encouraged by the talent that is deciding to enter the field of Jewish education,” said Rabbi Ari Segal, head of school at Houston’s Beren Academy. “It is no small measure due to the efforts of YU, the School-Partnership and the CJF. They are elevating the profession and I think that is having far-reaching ramifications in the quantity and quality of people entering the field.”
In addition to teaching positions and other career prospects, the fair offered a wide array of opportunities ranging from fellowships and scholarships for master’s programs and internships.
Adina Brizel, a Stern College for Women graduate currently enrolled in YU’s Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration, came to the job fair in search of a teaching position and was “impressed by the large turnout from so many different schools.”
Fellow Azrieli student, Zach Lebwohl, agreed.
“There was quite a turnout and there were a lot more schools and institutions at the fair this year than in previous years,” said Lebwohl, who credited Azrieli for preparing him for a future in education. “I’ve really enjoyed taking classes in educational technique and theory,” said Lebwohl. “They’ve helped me to plan and think as a teacher.”
Scott Goldberg, PhD, director of the YU School Partnership, noted that “Yeshiva University is not only where many day school graduates go to school, but has become the place where the day schools themselves go to school.
“We are proud to prepare and place teachers and school leaders around the country, provide them with continuing education and ongoing support and work with schools to strategically plan for the future. “
To learn more about how you can benefit from the resources available at the YU School Partnership visit www.yuschoolpartnership.org.