Jul 20, 2018 By: yunews
Thirteen Faculty Receive Tenure; Three Promoted to Full Professor
The Yeshiva University Board of Trustees recently awarded tenure to four YU faculty members: Dr. Yasar Levent Kocaga (Sy Syms School of Business); Jessica Roth (Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law); Dr. Laya Salomon (Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration); and Kate Shaw (Cardozo).
Three professors were promoted to the rank of full professor: Dr. Silke Aisenbrey, professor and chair of the department of sociology at Yeshiva College; Dr. Tamar Avnet, professor of marketing and chair of the marketing department at Sy Syms; and Dr. Avi Giloni, professor of operations management and statistics, associate dean, and chair of the information and decision sciences department at Sy Syms.
Faculty at the YU-affiliated Albert Einstein College of Medicine were also newly tenured going into the 2018-19 academic year: Dr. Felipe Diaz-Griffero, professor of microbiology and immunology and the Elsie Wachtel Faculty Scholar; Dr. Teresa P. DiLorenzo, professor of microbiology and immunology and of medicine, and the Diane Belfer, Cypres and Endelson Families Faculty Scholar in Diabetes Research; Dr. Aristea S. Galanopoulou, professor in the Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology and in the Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience; Dr. Charles B. Hall, professor of epidemiology and population health in the Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology; Dr. Jonathan R. Lai, professor of biochemistry; Dr. Sophie Molholm, professor of pediatrics in the Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience and of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and the Muriel and Harold Block Faculty Scholar in Mental Illness; Dr. David J. Sharp, professor of physiology and biophysics and of ophthalmology and visual sciences; Dr. Xingxing Zang, professor of microbiology and immunology, of medicine and of urology, and the Louis Goldstein Swan Chair in Women’s Cancer Research; and Dr. Deyou Zheng, professor in the Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology, the Department of Genetics and the Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience.
“We welcome these newly promoted members into our YU family,” said Dr. Selma Botman, provost and vice president for academic affairs, “and look forward to their contributions as teacher/scholars dedicated to their students and passionately committed to scholarship and research.”
Dr. Yasar Levent Kocaga
Prior to joining Sy Syms, Dr. Yasar Levent Kocaga, associate professor of operations management, received his PhD at the Marshall School of Business at the University of California. He also holds BS and MS degrees in industrial engineering from Bilkent University in Turkey.
He is interested in stochastic modeling of manufacturing and service systems; revenue management and inventory management; and call center management.
Dr. Kocaga is the coauthor of “Staffing Call Centers with Uncertain Arrival Rates and Co-sourcing” in Production and Operations Management; “State-Dependent Pricing Policies: Differentiating Customers Through Valuations and Waiting Costs” in the Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management; “Spare Parts Inventory Management with Demand Lead Times and Rationing” in Industrial Engineer; and “Admission Control for a Multiserver Queue with Abandonment” in Queueing Systems.
“My research focuses on the interplay between random supply and random demand that arises in manufacturing and service systems. The emergence of big data and the sharing economy have created many new challenges that can be studied within this framework, and as a tenured faculty member at Sy Syms, I am excited to continue to conduct impactful and interesting research that addresses these challenges.”
Jessica Roth
Jessica Roth is a professor of law and the co-director of the Jacob Burns Center for Ethics in the Practice of Law. Previously, she was a federal prosecutor for seven years in the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York. Her teaching and research interests are in criminal law and evidence, and her scholarship has appeared in the UCLA Law Review, the Washington University Law Review, and the American Criminal Law Review, among other publications. She is the faculty adviser to the Public Service Scholars and a member of the Board of Directors of the Innocence Project, the Ethics Committee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York and New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Council on Community Re-Entry and Reintegration, which addresses obstacles formerly incarcerated people face upon re-entering society.
Roth is particularly honored to be a member of the faculty of Cardozo, where the Innocence Project was formed over 25 years ago. “I love introducing students in their first year of law school to criminal law, a subject that affords wonderful opportunities to discuss the underlying purposes of punishment while also practicing statutory interpretation. I often have the opportunity to teach evidence to those same students in their second or third year of law school and to see how they have grown intellectually and professionally. That many of them go on to pursue careers as prosecutors and defense attorneys is very gratifying.”
Dr. Laya Salomon
Dr. Laya Salomon is associate professor of Jewish education and director of the Mendheim Student Teaching and Internship Project at Azrieli. Before joining the faculty at Azrieli, she taught at the pre-school, elementary, high school and undergraduate levels of education. Dr. Salomon is passionate about maximizing the Jewish educational experience for students and educators.
Her teaching and research interests are in teacher supervision and mentoring; differentiated instruction; classroom assessment; methods of teaching; technology in the classroom; and motivations to teach.
Dr. Salomon has contributed to the Journal of Jewish Education, The Klal Perspectives Journal, the Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal, the International Journal for Digital Society, the International Journal of Jewish Educational Research, Jewish Educational Leadership and The Azrieli Papers, among others.
“Being a professor in a graduate school of Jewish education can be a herculean task. As a teacher of teachers, I need to model what I want my students to be to their own students. As a researcher, I need to focus my scholarship on shaping tomorrow’s children. As a community advocate, I must relate to educational organizations in a way that makes them feel understood and supported. I am always aware that my actions have much more far-reaching effects than are found within my discipline. This is why I am committed to supporting the work of Azrieli and the mission of Yeshiva University.”
Kate Shaw
Kate Shaw is a professor of law and the co-director of the Floersheimer Center for Constitutional Democracy. Before joining Cardozo, Shaw worked in the White House Counsel’s Office as a special assistant to the president and associate counsel to the president. She clerked for Justice John Paul Stevens of the U.S. Supreme Court and Judge Richard A. Posner of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.
She graduated with a BA magna cum laude from Brown University and a JD magna cum laude and Order of the Coif from Northwestern University, where she served as the editor-in-chief of the Northwestern University Law Review and won the John Paul Stevens Award for graduating first in her class. Shaw’s primary research interests are in constitutional law, administrative law and legislation, with a focus on executive power in both the states and the federal system. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in the Columbia Law Review, the Cornell Law Review, The Texas Law Review, the Northwestern University Law Review, and the Georgetown Law Journal, to name a few.
“While much of my work falls under the heading of constitutional law, it’s as much interested about constitutional practice as constitutional theory. I’m interested in the shaping of constitutional law within non-court entities, like agencies and the office of the chief executive, and these interests — in both executive power and the forging of constitutional meaning outside the courts — have resulted in work on presidential rhetoric and presidential power; state executive-branch constitutionalism; election law, specifically the law of campaign finance, in both the states and the federal system; the regulation of reproductive rights; and gun regulation.”
Dr. Silke Aisenbrey
Dr. Silke Aisenbrey, professor and chair of the department of sociology at Yeshiva College, received her PhD at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, Germany, and has conducted research as a postdoctoral associate at the Center for Research on Inequality and the Life Course (CIQLE) at Yale University before joining the faculty at Yeshiva University.
Her research interests lie in the areas of social inequality, welfare states, the life course, gender inequality and sociology of education. She works mainly with quantitative methods, with a focused interest in longitudinal data analysis. Her research looks at how work and family life are interrelated and how this relationship between work and family life is different for different groups in our society.
Dr. Aisenbrey’s recent publications include “The Interaction of Employment- and Family-Trajectories: Germany and the United States in Comparison” (with Anette Fasang) in the American Journal of Sociology and “Mothers — the new hidden reserve? Germany and the U.S., a Comparison” (with Daniela Grunow) in Advances in Life Course Research. She was also recently awarded the 2018 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research.
“A central focus of my scholarly agenda over the past decade has been examining how context and social structure shape careers. At this stage in my career, my research focuses on uncovering patterns of privilege and discrimination when combining work and family for different groups in our society.”
Dr. Tamar Avnet
Dr. Tamar Avnet, professor of marketing and chair of the marketing department at Sy Syms, received her PhD in marketing from Columbia University, where she also received her MA. She has also received an MS in industrial organization and BS in economics from Technion Israel Institute of Technology.
Avnet teaches in both the undergraduate and the executive MBA programs. Her business expertise covers marketing strategy, branding, customer and consumer psychology, marketing communication and consumers’ decision-making. Her most current research focuses on the role of feelings, emotions and motivation in consumers’ and managers’ judgments and decisions. Her research also focuses on time management and how it influences consumers’ well-being and spending habits.
Avnet’s numerous publications are widely cited and have appeared in many leading scholarly journals including the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Consumer Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
“I enjoy doing research and discovering new theories that later can be applied to business situations. With digital and social media, marketing is now a necessary part of any successful business, making it even more exciting than before to be a part of the evolution of this discipline.”
Dr. Avi Giloni
Dr. Avi Giloni received his PhD in statistics and operations research from the Leonard Stern School of Business at New York University. He is associate dean of Sy Syms, chair of the School's information and decision science department and also professor of operations management and statistics.
He teaches various courses, including “Business Statistics,” “Quantitative Methods” and “Data-Driven Decision-Making” in which he stresses students’ understanding and modeling of randomness and risk. In these courses, Giloni provides students with the fundamental skills in statistics and data analysis to compete in the field of business analytics. His areas of research include forecasting, optimization and stochastic system design, and their applications to supply chain management.
Dr. Giloni has published papers in top journals such as Management Science, Production and Operations Management, and Naval Research Logistics. He is a co-author of such articles as “Information Sharing in a Supply Chain Under ARMA Demand,” “Assessing the Value of Demand Sharing in Supply Chains,” “Forecasting and Information Sharing in Supply Chains Under ARMA Demand,” “Neo-Rawlsian Fringes: A New Approach to Market Segmentation and New Product Development” and “Robust Weighted LAD Regression.”
“It is exciting to be able to solve problems and write papers that make important contributions to the literature about supply chain management as well as generate a unique approach to the area of data analytics and data science. I bring this expertise into the classroom to help our students get a competitive advantage while they are exposed to critical thinking in business analytics.”