May 18, 2021 By: yunews
Spring is always the seasons of awards. Below are the award recipients for Yeshiva College, Stern College for Women and Undergraduate Torah Studies. (The Sy Syms recipients can be seen here, and the Yeshiva College/UTS ceremony is available for viewing below.)

Yeshiva College
- Steven Gladstein Memorial Award for Service to the Jewish People - Alexei Antonov
- David and Rebecca Wolstein Memorial Award for Excellence in the Study of Psychology - Liam Aron
- Departmental Award for Excellence in Computer Science - Tony Arriaza-Gonzalez
- Professor Daniel Block Memorial Award for Excellence in Mathematics - Salvador Barchilon
- Orthodox Union Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies - Ezra Baynash
- Stanley Broff Memorial Award for Excellence in Economics and Commitment Toward Graduate Study - Ezra Baynash
- Biblical Joseph Prize for Outstanding Achievement in the Study of Economics - Abraham Benjamin
- Dr. Ron and Cheryl Nagel Award for Excellence in Pre-Medical Studies - Shimshon Benji
- Departmental Award for Excellence in Musical Study - Spencer Brasch
- Departmental Award for Excellence in Chemistry - Yaakov Cantor
- Dr. Ruth A. Bevan Award for Excellence in the Study of Political Science - Yitzchak Carroll
- Rabbi Chaim Danishefsky Z”L Award for a Graduating Student from Yeshiva College for Distinguished Achievement in Chemistry - Brian Chernigoff
- Departmental Award for Excellence in Physics - Yehuda Colton
- Biblical Joseph Prize for Outstanding Achievement in the Study of Economics - Jacob Dauer
- Daniel Ladell Memorial Award for Excellence in Chemistry - Evan Edelstein
- Dr. Samuel Soloveichik Prize for Excellence in the Study of Natural Sciences - Evan Edelstein
- Dr. Norman Rosenfeld Memorial Award for Excellence in Mathematics - Daniel Elfenbein
- Bernhard Floch Memorial Award for Excellence in the Study of Philosophy - Daniel Elfenbein
- llan Tokayer Award for Outstanding Achievement in English - Samuel Fleischhacker
- Stanley Broff Memorial Award for Excellence in Economics and Commitment Toward Graduate Study - David Fleschner
- Rabbi Chaim Danishefsky Torah Umadda Award - from UTS from UTS
- Professor Jekuthiel Ginsburg Memorial Award for Excellence in Computer Science - Daniel Ginsburg
- Dr. Samuel Soloveichik Prize for Excellence in the Study of Natural Sciences - Benjamin Goykadosh
- Professor Arnold and Bertha Lowan Memorial Award for Excellence in Physics Research - Benjamin Goykadosh
- Departmental Award for Excellence in History - Eitan Hain
- Professor Meyer Atlas Memorial Award for Excellence in Biology - David Hanelin
- Departmental Award for Excellence in Economics - Jacob Kaminetsky
- Professor Aaron Margalith Memorial Award for Excellence in Political Science - Zvi Kaminetsky
- Dean Isaac Bacon Award for Excellence in the Humanities and Jewish Studies - Baruch-Lev Kelman
- Sidney P. Rosenblum Award for Excellence in the Study of Jewish History - Baruch-Lev Kelman
- Joseph Gunner Memorial Award for Excellence in Mathematics - Larry Levenson
- Gertrude Nissenbaum Memorial Award for Excellence in Computer Science - Jacob Mendelson
- The Belkin Judaic Studies Award - Rami Nordlicht
- Malka Fishaut Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies - Zachary Orenshein
- David and Rebecca Wolstein Memorial Award for Excellence in the Study of Psychology - Natan Pittinsky
- Departmental Award for Excellence in Political Science - Yonatan Raskin
- Professor Morris Silverman Memorial Award for Outstanding Service to Yeshiva College - Ariel Rimberg
- Departmental Award for Excellence in Musical Study - Yosef Rosenfield
- Dr. Samuel Soloveichik Prize for Excellence in the Study of Natural Sciences - Yoni Sacknovitz
- Jeffrey Seelenfreund Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies and Character - Yoni Sacknovitz
- Elliot Steinberger Memorial Award for Excellence in the Study of Torah and Sciences - Yoni Sacknovitz
- Benjamin and Bertha Lebzelter Memorial Award for Excellence in Bible - Nathan Samson
- Irving Linn Memorial Award for Excellence in English Studies - Nathan Samson
- George and Bertha Fisch Award for Excellence in the Study of Philosophy - Avraham Sosnowik
- Joan G. Haahr Excellence in Early English Literature - Avraham Sosnowik
- Masmid Award for Outstanding Service to the Yeshiva College Student Body - Avraham Sosnowik
- Yeshiva University Women's Organization Award for Excellence in English Studies - Avraham Sosnowik
- Chaplain Joseph Hoenig Memorial Award for Excellence in the Study of Psychology - Louis Teitelbaum
- Professor Michael Bernstein Memorial Award for Excellence in Biblical Studies - Louis Teitelbaum
- Dean Samuel L. Sar Memorial Award for Excellence in Bible Studies - Michael Weiner
- Phillip Lieberman Memorial Award for Outstanding Character and Service to Yeshiva College - Aviv Yarimi
Stern College for Woman
Valedictorian General Studies/ Valedictorian Rebecca Ivry Department of Jewish Studies- Sara Schapiro
- Yitzhar Shalom
- Sarah Bodek
- Leora Ciment
- Elisheva Greenberg
- Shira Strauss
- Nicole Soussana
- Tamar Yastrab
- Rachel Sarraf
- Elisheva Siegfried
- Eliana Feifel
- Chemda Wiener
- Etta Rapp
- Gabriella Fetman
- Tzippora Topp
- Chaya Plotkin
- Chemda Wiener
- Lauren Berman
- Hasya Schweitzer
- Sophia Baradarian
- Malka Gorbunov
- Bess Goldstein
- Chana Tropper
- Emily Axelrod
- Ayelet Klahr
- Miriam Radinsky
- Sara Schapiro
- Rachel Mauda
- Daniella Lakser
- Ruth Tawil
- Atira Zeitchik
- Naomi Schwartz
- Rachel Mauda
- Rivka Hirsch
- Tamar Janus
- Ashira Pollack
- Rachel Jacobi
- Aviva Landau
- Rachel Retter
- Elisheva Rosensweig
- Rachel Mauda
- Sara Teitelman
- Meira Greenland
- Shira Welman
- Adi Ronen
- Rivka Barnett
- Alison Matofsky
- Elisheva Rosensweig
- Sara Schapiro
- Eliana Felder
- Nava Rosenblatt
- Deborah Coopersmith
- Sarah Spira
- Sophia Baradarian
- Deborah Coopersmith
- Rachel Jacobi
- Rena Levinson
- Tamar Guterson
- Eliana Lindenberg
- Ashira Pollack
- Miriam Friedman
- Ayelet Klahr
- Nina Siegel
- Elana Niknam
- Etta Rapp
- Leeba Sullivan
- Lieba Weiss
- Yael Greenbaum
- Leah Joshowitz
- Katie Matofsky
- Rachel Mendelson
- Emily Rosenblum
- Sarah Spira
- Tamar Janus
- Tania Bohbot
- Shira Schneider
- Nina Siegel
- Alexandrie Brody
- Nina Siegel
- Rena Levinson
- Sarit Perl
- Rachel Sperber
- Deborah Coopersmith
- Alan Broder
- Nechama Price
- Alyssa Schuck
Undergraduate Torah Studies
Irving I. Stone Beis Medrash Program
Dean Pinkhos Churgin Memorial Award (for Excellence in Jewish Studies)- Calev Glick
- Daniel Koenigsberg
- Eitan Lavian
- Jacob Metz
- Moshe Niren
- Daniel Schaffel
- Amram Wahnon
- Adam Alsberg
- Joseph Aron
- Moshe Bock
- Albert Dweck
- Zachary Rochlin
- Yossef Rubinov
- Shoval Shoshani
Isaac Breuer College of Hebraic Studies
Rosalie and Jacob Singer Memorial Award (for Excellence in Bible)- Daniel Ginsburg
- Shalom Stieglitz
- Benjamin Morris
- Alexei Antonov
- Jacob Leichter
- Michael Nissanoff
- Eliyahu Zavdi
- Joshua Hamburger
- Joshua Leichter
- Yosef Rosenfield
- Daniel Avraham
- Daniel Baratz
- Ezra Baynash
- Abraham Jemal
- Ari Leichter
- Joshua Lieman
- Jason Loskove
- Joseph Sulaymanov
- Benjamin Wade
- Ryan Lavi
- Michael Lutzky
James Striar School of General Jewish Studies
Manfred and Mignon Siegbert Fischel Memorial Award (for Excellence in Jewish Studies & Character)- Harrison Drucker
- Jacob Finkelstein
- Henry Sarshalom Nath
- Menajem Schejter
- Jacobo Simkin
- Isaac Bendahan
- Tom Bohbot
- Jacob Mermelstein
- Salvador Barchilon
- Adam Berkowitz
- Ilan Marouani
- Dylan Ohayon
Mazer Yeshiva Program
Frank Shavitz Memorial Award (for Excellence in Talmud)- Daniel Rozenberg
- Adam Daniels
- Daniel Fleisher
- Shalom Gottesman
- Yaakov Indig
- Yair Isaacs
- Meir Krengel
- Daniel Levy
- Zachary Orenshein
- Yonatan Raskin
- Jonathan Saks
- Judah Wolkenfeld
- Benjamin Halpern
- Nathan Samson
- Yosef Bram
- Brian Chernigoff
- Joshua Daniels
- Yehonatan Haimovici
- Leonard Rubin
- David Schmidt
- Eitan Schneier
- Evan Feder
- David Herman
- Alec Jerome
- Jacob Kaminetsky
- Zvi Kaminetzky
- Eitan Kaszovitz
- Jacob Dauer
- Evan Holzer
- Noah Kalandar
- Eliahu Zaghi
- Jeremy Borgen
- Eytan Aryeh
- Abraham Benjamin
- David Fleschner
- Jesse Hyman
- Zev Jarashow
- Avraham Kaminker
- Larry Levenson
- Allen Rothwachs
- Meir Avracen