Jan 5, 2015 By: mta

YUHSB is indeed fortunate to have an enormous scope of talent available among the members of our parent body. This past Monday during lunch, Mr. Steve Feuerstein, parent of Ari, a sophomore, captivated forty-five students on the Debate Team with a presentation on the topic: "Resolved - College Athletes Should Be Paid."
Reflecting on his days as a high school football player and a college lacrosse player, the speaker spoke from real knowledge of what the athletes go through. He showed how so many aspects of our society, from advertising to college budgets to television coverage affect decisions that athletes must make. He was interrupted time and again by students asking him to go further into the nuances of sports. In addition to providing the information, he was a role model for our debate students in terms of his manner and conveyor of key ideas.
What a treat this was for anyone who admires public speaking!!