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Rabbi Penner To Deliver Rudoff Memorial Lecture

Penner_Marc_300Rabbi Menachem Penner, The Max and Marion Grill Dean at Rabbi Issac Elchanan Theological Seminary, will deliver The Sheldon Rudoff Memorial Lecture, sponsored by The Beth Din of America and the Orthodox Union. The lecture, titled “The Meaning of Miracles: A Divine Game of Hide and Seek,” is scheduled for Wednesday, January 10, 2018, at 8 p.m. at the Jewish Center, 131 West 86th Street, New York City. Sheldon “Shelly” Rudoff, ע”ה , was a practicing attorney and musmach of RIETS. He served as president of the Orthodox Union and president of the Beth Din of America. For more information, please contact the Beth Din of America at (212) 807-9042 or