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Berger Publishes Article on Moyshe Levin

shuli_300Shulamith Z. Berger, curator of special collections and Hebraica-Judaica at the Yeshiva University Libraries, published an article about children’s book author, Moyshe Levin (pen name Ber Sarin), in Judaica Librarianship, the peer-reviewed journal of the Association of Jewish Libraries. In her introduction, Berger notes that “despite a difficult early life and impaired hearing, he created lively, joyous stories for children in the form of Yiddish rhythmic poetry. He illustrated them himself in vivid color or black and white and self-published many of them as small booklets in Vilnius (Vilna), Lithuania, in the late 1930s.” Reproduced here is an image of the original and Hebrew books covers for A Tale of Little White Mice, courtesy of the Yeshiva University Museum.
Ber Sarin, A mayse vegn mayzelekh vayse (A tale of little white mice; Wilno: U. Margolis i S. Klaczko. Lit. N. Mac I Syn, 1937), cover (right); and Hebrew translation (left) by Shelomoh Yahalom: Ma’aseh be-akhbar ve-hatul akhzar (The Jean Sorkin Moldovan Collection of Yeshiva University Museum, Gift of the Jesselson Family) Ber Sarin, A mayse vegn mayzelekh vayse (A tale of little white mice; Wilno: U. Margolis i S. Klaczko. Lit. N. Mac I Syn, 1937), cover (right); and Hebrew translation (left) by Shelomoh Yahalom: Ma’aseh be-akhbar ve-hatul akhzar (The Jean Sorkin Moldovan Collection of Yeshiva University Museum, Gift of the Jesselson Family)