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Shires Publishes Essays on Color Theory, Thomas Hardy

shiresDr. Linda M. Shires, David and Ruth Gottesman Professor and Chair of the English Department at Stern College for Women, has recently had essays on color theory and on Thomas Hardy accepted for publication. "Color Theory--Charles Lock Eastlake's 1840 Translation of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Zur Farbenlehre (Theory of Colours)," published in BRANCH: Britain, Representation and Nineteenth-Century History, explains how and why Charles Lock Eastlake, first director of The National Gallery of Art in London, translated Goethe's 1810 Zur Farbenlehre as a handbook and a history, with his own erudite notes, to aid British painters. "Hardy's Memorial Art: Image and Text in Wessex Poems" will appear in the Winter 2013 issue of Victorian Literature and Culture and reevaluates the relationship of Hardy's images to his text in the first volume of poems he published after ending his novel-writing career. Shires' 5,000 word essay on Thomas Hardy is forthcoming in the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature and her review of Thomas Hardy in Context, edited by Philip Mallett, will appear in Victorian Studies