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Meet the Scholars

Gavriel Buchwald

Gavriel Buchwald grew up in Bergenfield, New Jersey. He attended The Frisch School, where he captained the College Bowl Team and participated in Model Congress. Additionally, he was a Senior Big Sibling, helping freshmen acclimate to high school, and spent considerable time volunteering for Zoommates, zooming with special-needs children to provide entertainment during Covid-19. In recent summers, Gavriel was a lifeguard and counselor at Camp Moshava, Indian Orchard. He spent two gap years at Yeshivat Orayta, where he engaged in serious Torah study. Throughout his second year in Israel, he participated in the Tikvah Overseas Student Institute, partaking in seminars regarding the intersection of Halacha and public policy. He is also a member of the Tikvah Collegiate Forum. In his free time, you can find Gavriel reading Wikipedia, plowing through an early modern European history book, or pursuing his Talmudic studies.

Sruli Friedman

Sruli (Jason) Friedman was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York where he graduated from Yeshiva Torah Vodaath High School in 2022 before coming to YU the same year. Friedman has served as a news editor for The Commentator, a fellow at YUPAC, and an active member of the Tikva Collegiate Forum, while also pursuing majors in Political Science and Philosophy and intense Gemara study in the Mazer Yeshiva Program. In the summer of 2023 Friedman participated in the Heritage Foundation’s online Summer Academy, while taking electives in economics and psychology. An avid reader interested in a plethora of subjects, Friedman hopes to continue to progress in his studies at the Straus Center during the remainder of his time in YU, and looks forward to pursuing law school and a fulfilling career in the future.


Liev Markovich was born and raised in Englewood, New Jersey and attended Torah Academy of Bergen County (TABC).  At TABC, Liev was a captain of Mock Trial and a member of Model UN, Model Congress, and Soccer teams. He was the founder and editor-in-chief of the opinion magazine Storm Currents, which covered topics ranging from politics to sports to social issues. After graduating high school in 2021, Liev studied at Yeshivat Orayta for two years, where he took classes as part of the Tikvah Overseas Student Institute. In his free time, Liev enjoys learning Torah, reading literature, meditating, and playing FIFA with friends.


A fifth-generation Southerner, Matthew Minsk was born and raised in Atlanta, where he graduated from the Atlanta Jewish Academy (AJA). While in high school, he served as the Editor-in-Chief of the school’s student newspaper, led its Israel Advocacy Club, and captained its Model UN and basketball teams. Upon graduation, he was inducted into the AJA Hatmada Society for his “consistent commitment to Judaic Studies.” During past summers, he has interned for the Orthodox Union Center for Communal Research, the Institute for Family Studies, and assisted Jewish communal and political advocates; he also participated in the Tikvah Scholars Program. Matthew spent two gap years at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh (KBY) immersed in Torah study, an area in which he hopes to continue to learn and grow, alongside secular pursuits, at Yeshiva University.


Adina Feldman was born and raised in Teaneck, New Jersey, and attended Manhattan High School for Girls (MHS). While in high school, Feldman served as both literary and art editor for the school publication, and was a member of the Arista honors society and Principal’s List. During her time in high school, Feldman participated in StandWithUs’s Teen Leadership Council, as well as completed courses with Tikvah’s Online Academy. Feldman opened and managed a social media account dedicated to creating content debunking misconceptions and disseminating educational information about Zionism and the State of Israel, of who’s content has been viewed over fifty thousand times. After finishing high school, Feldman went on to study at Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim (MMY) in Jerusalem. Upon the completion of her studies abroad, Feldman went on to a year of National Service (Sheirut Leumi) in Israel, living and working within the Ethiopian Absorption Center in Jerusalem where she worked to organize and execute targeted programming for children, teenagers, and families. Additionally, she served as the director of the neighborhood Beit Medrash program there for elementary school children and created weekly programming focused on bridging current Jewish themes and lessons with larger abstract concepts of Jewish and Israeli identity. At YU, Feldman is studying both psychology and marketing.


Rebecca Guzman was born and raised in Staten Island, New York. She attended Bruriah High School for Girls, where she served as Senior Co-captain of the Bruriah Debate Team, Junior Editor of the Bruriah Blaze, and Senior Editor of Bruriah's literary magazine. Throughout her senior year, Rebecca was a member of the Kaplun Foundation Teen Philanthropy Board, and before spending a semester at Aish Gesher for Women, she reported for The Jewish Press. Rebecca's writing has received recognition from the National Council of Teachers of English and The New York Times, amongst others. Rebecca hopes to synthesize her passion for literature and her studies in creative writing with her love for Jewish history and philosophy, aiming to devote her life to telling Jewish stories. In her free time, Rebecca can be found listening to music, reading, writing in her journal, or baking.


Tziporah Pinczower was raised in Riverdale, NY where she was first enamored by the intricate philosophy of law. Apart from the theoretical aspect of law, Tziporah recognizes the importance of taking pragmatic action to advance vital causes, prompting her to participate in the NORPAC's annual Mission to Washington for many years. She attended Manhattan High School for Girls, where she spearheaded her school's first Law Review Journal, served as editor of her school's Lexington Weekly blog, was elected Senior Class President, and authored a quarterly column dedicated to highlighting the philosophical implications behind both Jewish (Halacha) and secular law derived from discussion of the upcoming holiday. After high school, she conducted legal research at Agudath Israel and attended Michlalah in Jerusalem. Tziporah is determined to put the knowledge and skill gained as a Straus scholar to good use to pursue a career in law that will bring fulfillment to her life and joy to the lives of others.


Shana Schwartz grew up in Hillside, NJ, and attended Bruriah High School. While in Bruriah, Shana learned to think critically and analytically about various topics in Judaism and secular society, and was taught to infuse Torah into all her areas of study. She participated in the Torah bowl and debate teams, and coached middle school students for the Chidon HaTanach. She also studied engineering, and applied her skills towards constructing a website to safely display the renowned Bruriah Holocaust Museum during the COVID-19 pandemic. During her senior year, Shana won the Jerusalem Science Contest for her research in molecular biology and Halacha. In her free time, Shana enjoys painting and drawing, and works as a makeup artist and monogram designer. At YU, Shana plans to pursue her interests in medicine while studying Torah and the humanities with the Straus Center.


Ateret Tollinsky grew up in Teaneck, NJ. She attended Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School, where she served as the president of both the STEAM Student Leadership Committee and the Student Ambassador Committee. At Ma’ayanot, Ateret participated in the Drama Society and Torah Bowl, and served as a staff writer for Ma’ayanei Torah, Ma’ayanot’s weekly parsha newsletter. Outside of school, Tollinsky volunteered for Friendship Circle and iShine, and took courses through Tikvah’s Online Academy, which focused on American Jewry in the Supreme Court and Jewish Bioethics. Additionally, Ateret took part in a two year immersive program, Write On For Israel, which focused on educating high school students on leadership, Israel advocacy and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Upon graduation, she was awarded the Ed Stern Award for Excellence in History due to her rigorous study of history throughout high school. Tollinsky then studied at Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim (MMY) in Jerusalem for a year. Over the course of her year at MMY, she served as the Yachad Summer Seminary Coordinator for Recruiting and participated in the Tikvah Overseas Institute. At YU, Tollinsky is pursuing a major in Biochemistry in conjunction with her Straus courses. 


Tamara Yeshurun was born in Curaçao and moved to the United States at the age of four. Living in Miami, FL, she attended the high school Shaarei Bina Torah Academy for Girls, where she was a contributing editor of the student paper, founder and president of the Shabbat Zmirot Club, Chumash tutor for middle schoolers, and active participant in the musical productions as lead actress, vocal coach, and student director. With a particular interest in Jewish thought and contemporary society, Tamara is passionate about Jewish philosophy, social movements, Holocaust education, linguistics, and celebrating her Ashkenazi and Sephardi roots. Currently a member of the Collegiate Forum, Tamara’s involvement with the Tikvah Fund (Tikvah Online Academy, TOA Winter/Spring Invitational, Tikvah Scholars Program 2021 & 2022, and Tikvah Scholars Forum) introduced her to a world of great thinkers in politics, philosophy, and modern Zionism. After graduating, Tamara studied for one year at Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim (MMY). During her year in Israel, Tamara participated in the Tikvah Overseas Program, regularly volunteered at Keren Or Institute for the Blind, and attended Mizrachi’s World Orthodox Israel Congress as a youth delegate, where she led a discussion group addressing the crisis of Hebrew illiteracy in Jewish Day schools. In her free time, you can catch Tamara journaling, reading, learning Spanish and Arabic, or singing songs from the golden age of Broadway.


Yinon Gurvich

Yinon Gurvich was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, where he attended Ida Crown Jewish Academy (ICJA). At ICJA, he participated in Model UN and co-founded the school’s Chess Club. Gurvich was a member of the ICJA wrestling team, winning the Wittenberg Invitational Tournament and the Most Outstanding Wrestler award in his junior year. Upon graduating from ICJA in 2021, Gurvich spent a year studying at Yeshivat Sha’alvim in Israel. As a Straus Scholar at Yeshiva University, Gurvich is pursuing a dual degree in mathematics and finance, with an additional focus on the humanities in the Straus Scholars Program.

Dassi Mayerfeld

Dassi Mayerfeld grew up in Teaneck, New Jersey, and graduated from Manhattan High School for Girls (MHS) in 2021. She served as the editor-in-chief of Eastward, Manhattan High School’s literary and art journal, and as a behavioral shadow at the Friendship Circle, interned in a biochemistry lab at Cornell University, competed in the ISACA Cybersecurity Competition, and submitted writing and artwork regularly to MHS publications, many of which were recognized by the New York Times and the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. After graduating from MHS in 2021, she spent a year at Michlalah in Jerusalem, where she focused on the in-depth study of TanachHalakha, and Hashkafa. Mayerfeld conducted a summer internship at Cornell University Alzheimer’s research lab in NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. As a Straus Scholar at Yeshiva University, Mayerfeld is pursuing a major in biology with a minor in studio art. On campus, she works with children with special needs through extracurricular programming, while pursuing her interests in poetry and drumming.

Jenny Rapp

Jenny Rapp grew up in Washington Heights, Manhattan. She attended Manhattan High School for Girls (MHS), where she participated in the math and chess clubs, served as senior editor of the literary and art journal, and received recognition from the Ulpaniada and American Mathematics Competitions (AMC). She spent her summers interning for the Intermountain Jewish News and 12 Mile Stables. Upon graduating from MHS in 2021, Rapp studied at Michalah in Jerusalem. At YU, Rapp is pursuing a major in mathematics in conjunction with her studies at the Straus Center. She has used her skills in mathematics to research public health topics in internships in Georgetown and Columbia University.

Ezra Seplowitz

Ezra Seplowitz grew up in Teaneck, New Jersey, and attended Torah Academy of Bergen County (TABC). At TABC, Seplowitz served as the president of the Israel Advocacy Club and was editor-in-chief of Kol Torah and Israel Report. He served on the student council for two years and captained the track and hockey teams. Seplowitz was a fellow in Write On For Israel, a two-year leadership and educational program for Jewish high school students, and was invited to attend the AIPAC Schusterman High School Summit in 2018. Seplowitz graduated from TABC in 2020 as a member of the National Honor Society and was a recipient of the school’s leadership award and Yeshiva University’s Torah UMaddah award. He studied at Yeshivat Sha’alvim for two years and studied in Rabbi Meir Goldwicht’s Kollel at Camp Mesorah. Seplowitz is a member of YUPAC and the YU roller hockey team as well as a resident advisor. His hobbies include playing guitar and piano, running, and reading. He has served as a counselor at NCSY Kollel in Israel. He is pursuing a major in psychology and Jewish studies and a minor in philosophy. A student of Rabbi Michael Rosensweig, Seplowitz plans on receiving a Ph.D. in clinical psychology as well as rabbinic ordination from RIETS.

Joshua Shapiro

Joshua Shapiro grew up in West Orange, New Jersey and attended Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School in Livingston, where he was captain of the varsity basketball and baseball teams and senior editor of the school newspaper. Following high school, Josh attended Yeshivat Orayta for two years in Jerusalem Israel, where he founded and managed the Orayta Food Bank and participated in the Tikvah Overseas Student Institute. At Yeshiva University, Josh serves as an opinions editor and staff writer for the YU Commentator, Co-Founder and Co-President of the Tikvah Fund Chapter at Yeshiva University and member of its Collegiate Forum, and member of the “Food 4 Thought” club, which distributes food to the hungry within Washington Heights. In his summers, Shapiro worked as a counselor in Camp Moshava, Indian Orchard. In his free time, Josh enjoys singing as part of Y-Studs A Cappella Group, reading Jewish history books, and going for runs in Riverside Park. Josh is currently pursuing a major in Jewish Studies and minors in Music and Political Science and learns in the morning in the shiur of Rabbi Itamar Rosensweig.

Aharon Soloveichik

Aharon Soloveichik attended high school at Yeshiva Shaar Hatorah in Queens, New York, and, after graduating, the Shaar HaTorah Beis Medrash. In high school, he focused his studies on Talmud Torah (the study of the Hebrew Bible, its commentaries, and related texts), American political thought, and military history, and completed an internship at the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute. After studying at the Shaar HaTorah Beis Medrash, Soloveichik spent a year in Israel at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh. As a Straus Scholar at Yeshiva University, Soloveichik is pursuing a degree in history, war studies, and political science, while attending the shiur of Rav Hershel Schachter in the Mazer Yeshiva Program (MYP).

Yaakov Willner

Yaakov Willner grew up in Los Angeles and attended YULA High School. While in high school, Willner interned at StandWithUs, where he helped develop an online curriculum for middle school students on topics of Israel education, and served as a counselor at Etta Israel, an organization servicing individuals with mental and developmental disabilities. Additionally, he wrote and was an editor for multiple publications, including Kol Hanearim, Polymatheus Journal, and Likutei Ohr, and played clarinet in YULA’s jazz ensemble. Upon graduation, he received the Excellence in Torah Award and was featured in the LA Jewish Journal. During his summers, Willner attended NCSY Kollel in Israel and was a member of Beth Jacob Congregation’s Summer Kollel in Los Angeles. Upon graduating from YULA in 2020, Willner spent two years in Israel studying at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh (KBY), where he sang in the yeshiva’s choir. He also took seminars through Tikvah Online Academy on Jewish ideas, Zionism, and Western civilization. As a Straus Scholar, Willner pursues economics and political science degrees while engaging in serious Torah study.

Noam Mayerfed

Noam Mayerfeld was born in New York City, and moved to Teaneck, New Jersey, at the age of 5. He attended MTA/YUHSB, where he captained the debate and mock trial teams, and helped run a political action club devoted to US-Israel relations. After two years at KBY, Noam Mayerfeld returned to YU, where he is an active member of the Straus Scholars program, a computer science major, and a talmid in Rav Shulman’s shiur. In addition to his learning and studies, he teaches science to fourth grade students at a local New York City public school through the YU Start Science program, serves as a computer science peer tutor for his fellow students at YU, and coaches the MTA debate and mock trial teams. Noam is an associate justice on the Student Court, a member of the HackerRank weekly coding challenge club, and he belongs to YU’s Association for Computing Machinery chapter. When he isn’t learning or studying, Noam enjoys reading, cooking, and playing the drums.

Jacob Sundel

Jacob Sundel is from Boston, Massachusetts. In 2019, he graduated from Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael as an AP Scholar with Honor. While in high school, Jacob was a captain of the basketball team, a member of the Model Beis Din team, and recipient of the Rose Ruderman Scholar Award. Following high school, Jacob spent two years learning in Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh (KBY) in Israel. Jacob is also an Eagle Scout from Boy Scout Troop 54 of Brookline, Massachusetts. For his Eagle Scout Project, Jacob started a Yachad chapter in his high school. Jacob enjoys dedicating his time to causes that help people with special needs, like participating twice in the Friendship Circle Bike Miami and being a counselor in Camp Kaylie. In the summer of 2022, Jacob was a Summer Research Intern for Timothy Carney at the American Enterprise Institute.

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