Rosh Yeshiva; Director of the Norman and Johanne Sternthal 4th Year Halakhah Lemaaseh Program; Perez and Frieda Friedberg Chair in Talmud
Wilf campus - Glueck Center
Rabbi Daniel Stein is a Rosh Yeshiva and Director of the Norman and Johanne Sternthal 4th Year Halakhah Lemaaseh Program at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University where he holds the Perez and Frieda Friedberg Chair in Talmud. Rabbi Stein is also the Rav of The Ridniker Shteibel, Cong Ahavath Chesed in the West Side of Manhattan, and was the founding Rav of Kehillas Beis Sholom in Clifton NJ where he served for four years. In addition, Rabbi Stein is an expert in the laws of eruvin and has been consulted regarding the creation, extension, and maintenance of numerous eruvin in the United States and Australia.
Wilf campus - Glueck Center