Dean of the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies, Professor of Jewish Philosophy
Wilf campus - Furst Hall
Daniel Rynhold is Dean and Professor of Jewish Philosophy at the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies, and director of the Revel doctoral program, having arrived on these shores from London, England, in August 2007. Educated at the universities of Cambridge and London, Dr. Rynhold had previously been a lecturer in Judaism in the department of theology and religious studies at King’s College London, a position he had held since 2001. This followed two years as a lecturer at the renowned Jews’ College of London.
Modern Jewish philosophy; ta'amei ha-mitzvot and the nature of practical justification; Moses Maimonides; Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik; Modern philosophy; Friedrich Nietzsche
BOOKS: TWO MODELS OF JEWISH PHILOSOPHY: JUSTIFYING ONE’S PRACTICES (Oxford, 2005); AN INTRODUCTION TO MEDIEVAL JEWISH PHILOSOPHY (London, 2009); HALAKHIC (OVER)MAN: NIETZSCHE, SOLOVEITCHIK AND CONTEMPORARY JEWISH PHILOSOPHY (Cambridge, forthcoming) (co-authored with Michael J. Harris)_ BOOKS EDITED: RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY: ESSAYS IN ETHICS, RELIGION AND LEADERSHIP PRESENTED TO CHIEF RABBI LORD JONATHAN SACKS (Jerusalem, 2013) (co-edited with Michael J. Harris and Tamra Wright)_ SELECTED ARTICLES: "Letting the Facts Get in the Way of a Good Thesis: On Interpreting Rav Soloveitchik's Philosophical Method" Torah U-Madda Journal 2012-13; "Yeshayahu Leibowitz," The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/leibowitz-yeshayahu/; "Modernity and Jewish Orthodoxy: Nietzsche and Soloveitchik on Life-Affirmation, Asceticism, and Repentance," Harvard Theological Review 2008
Find Daniel Rynhold's publications on YAIR: Yeshiva Academic Institutional Repository
Wilf campus - Furst Hall