David and Ruth Gottesman Chair in Political Science; Associate Professor of Political Science
Beren campus - Stanton Hall (245 Lexington)
Joseph E. Luders is the David and Ruth Gottesman Associate Professor of Political Science. He is currently chair of the Department of Political Science. His research interests include American racial politics, social movements, civil rights politics and policy, and American political development. His recent book The Civil Rights Movement and the Logic of Social Change (Cambridge University Press 2010) provides a general theoretical explanation for social movement outcomes. He has published articles in the American Journal of Sociology and Polity as well as reviews in Perspectives on Politics and Presidential Studies Quarterly. He has twice been selected as Senior Class Professor (secular studies) and was the recipient of the Dean Karen Bacon Award for Outstanding Junior Faculty. He was a Mellon Fellow in the Special Project on Contentious Politics at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (Palo Alto, CA) and has received research funding from the National Science Foundation.
Beren campus - Stanton Hall (245 Lexington)