Associate Professor of English
Wilf campus - Belfer Hall
Professor Lavinsky specializes in medieval literature and cultural history; vernacular practices and epistemes; late scholasticism; hermeneutics and translation; heresy; Jewish-Christian relations; manuscript studies and the history of the book.
“Isope/Ysopus,” entry for The Chaucer Encyclopedia, ed. R. Newhauser (Wiley-Blackwell), in press; “Screen Time—Or, Awaiting the Worst, Remotely,” New Chaucer Studies: Pedagogy and Profession, 2.2 (2021), 72-75; “William Thorpe's Other Books: ‘Second Generation’ Wycliffism and the Glossed Gospels,” Mediaevalia: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Medieval Studies Worldwide, 41 (2020), 189-215; Inscription and Sacred Truth: The Material Text in Wycliffite Biblical Scholarship (Boydell & Brewer, 2017); “Tolkien's Old English Exodus and the Problematics of Allegory,” Neophilologus, 101.2 (2016), 305-319; “Turned to Fables: Efficacy, Form, and Literary Making in Chaucer’s Pardoner’s Tale,” The Chaucer Review, 50.3-4 (2015), 442-464; “An Early Sixteenth-Century Lutheran Dialogue and its Wycliffite Excerpt,” Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History, 17 (2014), 195-220; “’Speke to me be thowt’: Affectivity, Incendium Amoris, and the Book of Margery Kempe,” The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 112.3 (2013), 340-364; “’[K]nowynge Cristes speche’: Gender and Interpretive Authority in the Wycliffite Sermon Cycle,” Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures, 38.1 (2012), 60-83; review of Ethics and Power in Medieval English Reformist Writing, Edwin D. Craun (Cambridge University Press, 2010), The Medieval Review, TMR 11.06.02, 2011; review of Image, Text, and Religious Reform in Fifteenth-Century England, Shannon Gayk (Cambridge University Press, 2010), The Medieval Review, TMR 11.11.18, 2011; review of Poetics of the Incarnation: Middle English Writing and the Leap of Love, Cristina Maria Cervone (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012), Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 114.2 (2015), 297-300; review of The Courtly and Commercial Art of the Wycliffite Bible, Kathleen E. Kennedy (Brepols Publishers, 2014), Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies, 90.4 (2015), 1131-1133; review of The Middle English Bible: A Reassessment, Henry Ansgar Kelly (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016), Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies, 94.2 (2019), 548-550; review of The Politics of Middle English Parables: Fiction, Theology, and Social Practice, Mary Raschko (University of Manchester Press, 2018), Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 41 (2019), 405-408.
Wilf campus - Belfer Hall