Associate Professor of Psychology, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology
Resnick campus - Rousso Building
Barbara Gerson is a psychodynamically-oriented therapist, working with children, adolescents, adults,and couples. She got her PhD from NYU in the School Psychology Program and completed postdoctoral training in the Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis at NYU. In addition to teaching at Ferkauf, Dr Gerson has a private practice in NYC and Westchester.
Teaching interests: Psychodynamic psychotherapy with children and adolescents; Projective personality assessment; Trauma with children and adolescents Research interests: Any of the above topics; Developmental disabilities; families formed through third party reproductive techniques; children in foster care
Editor, The Therapist as a Person: Life Crises, Life Chocies, Life Experiences and their Effects on Treatment. NY: Analytic Press, l996. Traumatic bereavement, attachment, and prevention. Book review of B. Beebe, P Cohen, K. Sossin and S Markese (Eds) Mothers, infants and young children of September 11, 2011. In Divison/Review, (Division 39, APA), Spring 2013.
Resnick campus - Rousso Building